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Monday, August 16, 2010

Are You Related to someone Famous?

Since this blog will be about Ancestors and tidbits of Wisdom they can provide us I'd like to talk about an application that can help to identify if you are related to anyone famous.
This program was designed by some people at Brigham Young University in Provo, UTAH

 Relative Finder - Famous People and More!
The following options are found within the program
  • U.S. Presidents and Leaders
  • Kings and Queens
  • Pioneers and Travelers
  • Historic LDS
  • Famous People
To get this program to work you have to supply an AFN (Ancestral File Number). AFN are long out of date since the LDS church has moved away from that old self reported database of Genealogy.  You can still find the information archived at
Family Search

So I plugged in to the site the AFN for one of my Great-Grandmothers on my Mother's side of the family.  Stella May Davis 1DWF-DH.

I got some interesting results back.  I know the list is not complete and the 9th cousin twice removed stuff makes no sense to me at all.  Even stuff about 7th cousins and the like make no sense.  The part that does is when I hit the section on the  
"Travelers on the Mayflower"
Fuller, Edward
8th Great Grandparent

And then below that the treasure trove of "European Royalty" 
I'll list just a few here that make sense or that are interesting in their own right.

King Of ENGLAND, Edward I Longshanks
23rd Great Grandparent
King Of ENGLAND, Edward III
18th Great Grandparent

King Of Jerusalem, Charles
22nd Great Grandparent

King Of IRELAND, Brian Boroimhe
31st Great Grandparent

35th Great Grandparent

King Of SCOTLAND, Malcolm I
33rd Great Grandparent

35th Great Grandparent
King Of ITALY, Berenger II
30th Great Grandparent

King Of ENGLAND, William the Conquerer
27th Great Grandparent

Emperor Of The HOLY ROMAN, Charlemagne
38th Great Grandparent

Emperor Of The BYZANTINE , Ioannis II
26th Great Grandparent

I know the list they provide back is a bit limited since the list would take pages on royalty alone.

It is an interesting exercise to do.   I also plugged in the AFN for Edward III King of England (AFN:8XHQ-DT).
Boy is it interesting to see how many Presidents of the U.S.A. and signers of the Declaration of Independence are descended from this one King.
Could it be that you are by chance related to Someone Famous or Regal?
If so post your relating AFN number and let us all know. 

Buaidh - NO - Bas 

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