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Friday, October 8, 2010

Why a Prophet?

Below are some excerpts from
Obedience to the Prophets 
180th Semiannual General Conference, October 2010
Elder Claudio R. M. Costa
Of the Presidency of the Seventy

"Why is it important to have living prophets to guide the true Church of Jesus Christ and its members?
In the Guide to the Scriptures, we find the definition of the word prophet: “A person who has been called by and speaks for God. As a messenger of God, a prophet receives commandments, prophecies, and revelations from God” (“Prophet,”; see also Bible Dictionary, “Prophet”).
It is a great blessing to receive the word, commandments, and guidance of the Lord in these difficult days of the earth. The prophet can be inspired to see the future in benefit of mankind."

"Second fundamental: “The living prophet is more vital to us than the standard works” (“Fourteen Fundamentals,” 26).
The living prophet is receiving specific revelations for us. I can remember many times when I have been present to hear one of the servants of the Lord speak about a specific thing for a city or country. I remember at least three of the living prophets, seers, and revelators who have spoken about my country, Brazil. One of these servants said that Brazil would become a great economy in the world and be free of inflation. At the time, we had two-digit inflation every month. It was difficult for many people to believe what the prophet said, but I believed. Brazil has had about 5 percent inflation each year for many consecutive years now. Brazil has become eighth in the world economy, and the country is doing great!
Third fundamental: “The living prophet is more important to us than a dead prophet” (“Fourteen Fundamentals,” 27).
We learn a great lesson about this from the scriptures. In the times of Noah it was easier for the people to believe in the dead prophets, but it was difficult for them to believe in Noah. We know that because of their incredulity they did not survive the Flood (see Genesis 6–7.)"

 Follow the living Prophet.  What they say comes true.  It did in Brazil.


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