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Friday, December 3, 2010

Norse in America

I now have the actual verbiage used in the book mentioned in the last post.

In the epilogue section by Helge Ingstad he writes:
"One question is often asked: Why did the Norsemen not colonize those parts of North America which they discovered, as Columbus did in South America?  The answer is simple enough: Columbus had fire arms, he was absolutely superior to the natives in battle.  Moreover, he was in constant contact with Europe.  The Norsemen on the other hand had, the same kind of weapons as the natives, little more that bows and arrows and spears, and they were greatly outnumbered by the Indians and the Eskimos.  Their contact with Greenland was very slight indeed.  Leif Eirikson discovered America about five hundred years before Columbus and this was too early."
pg 180 The Viking discovery of America Helge Ingstad & Anne Stine Ingstad.

I'll leave the section alone since I already commented on it in detail previously.  It is so well worded and deep it needs no more.

Stay tuned for more interesting fact, and items.

I'm also working on an ultimate charity idea.  A Musical Tour of New York with Josh Groban.
I'm sure some Grobanite would fork over $10,000 for charity to be able to be serenaded at 5-10 key landmarks in NYC with a dinner or lunch to follow.   Stay tuned oh stay tuned.
If needing to consider a charity Please take a moment to check out the Children's Tumor Foundation.  They help fund research among other things for those afflicted with Neurofibromatosis.  It is "NF1 is not a rare disorder, it is the most common neurological disorder caused by a single gene."  "The Neurofibromatoses are genetically-determined disorders which affect more than 100,000 Americans; this makes NF more prevalent than Cystic Fibrosis, hereditary Muscular Dystrophy, Huntington's Disease and Tay Sachs combined."

Also check out their Racing4research page for all your drivingphiles.  Each year for the past several years they have been able to participate in one of the most prestigious racing events in the world.  The 24 Hours of Daytona.

Buaidh - NO - Bas

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