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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Worthiness of War

This last Sunday I was visiting my Father's Unit in the north San Diego Area.  The format is the same all over the world for the LDS church.  You always know there will be sacrament meeting where the main part is the distribution of the Sacrament along with some speakers.  Later you have Sunday school and then usually the males divide out for their Priesthood meeting while the women go to their "lady's auxiliary" group know as Relief Society.

We never really know what to expect when we visit since they have some strong members from wide back grounds and service.
This time they decided to have all the youth(12-18) and all the adults stay together for the last hour.  A special guess speaker was going to speak on topic(s) relating to Veterans day.

He was specially qualified as he had served in the army special forces during the Vietnam war and on active duty in the jungles of 'Nam for one year before being hit by a rocket.

What I really wanted to get to was a couple of items he brought up.  First he brought up that there are two types of war: 1)wars of aggression and 2) wars of liberation.

The next thing that struck us was the quote from CS Lewis about saving a drowning person.

Basically it does like this "There are things worth dying for, and there are things not living for."  Basically, saving  a person that is drowning is a worthy cause and one worth dying for in the process. Now on the other side of the coin is the person that crusades day in and day out to make sure every single person is properly trained and can do the lifesaving maneuvers needs to save a person that is drowning.  They have gone to far in their cause and it has thus become something not worth living for.
See the whole text at following link.  It's quoted in other texts as well.
Essential C. S. Lewis By Clive Staples Lewis, Lyle W. Dorsett
The bottom line he brought up is - can we take a good thing and take it to far?
Are we spending our time engaged in worthy, worthwhile activities?

I'll leave you with this statement to get your brain a thinking.
If you were on Trial for Being A Christian, would there be enough Evidence to convict you?

Buaidh - NO - BAS

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