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Monday, January 2, 2012

Read the Book of Mormon

Looking for a good new year's resolution?

We were visiting in another unit in the north San Diego area and they had decided to read the Book of Mormon in 100 days. They even printed up booklets that include the chapters to read every day, a verse or two to mark and a quote(s) from a general authority on the part you read.   There is even a thought question so you don't just feel like your are reading blindly to fill the requirement. There are make up days mixed throughout the booklet.  A very doable plan even young children can tackle.

While looking for a chart to use to mark off the chapters we found what they used for the booklet on the Internet.
100 days Book of Mormon reading program
Alternately here - 100 days reading program
100 days Book of Mormon reading program - doc format
 Here is a link to the chart with chapters/books etc
Book of Mormon reading chart in PDF format

This program looks very doable. And at 100 days we can get it done in time for general conference in April.

So we have decided to tackle the challenge.  It should make things more spiritual at home and will get our daughter more inspired as her birthday and baptismal date come closer.  And it will give us something to do instead of watching mindless TV so many nights of the week.

So if you need a new year's resolution that will really change your world - Take the 100 days Book of Mormon challenge.  You'll be glad you did.

Buaidh - NO - BAS

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