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Thursday, April 19, 2012

Go Beyond the Surface

How many times have you said to yourself - "They just don't get it."?

All to often we find that people just don't understand where we are coming from.  You might feel you have almost nothing in common and after a while you feel that is not worth your time to try and get people to see your point of view.  And thus it is with our religion.

I've been reading some interesting commentary and articles out there due to the fact that Mitt Romney looks like the "Ordained" republican candidate.  What this does is bring the issue of religion especially that of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints many times referred to as Mormons to the front.  People want to know what he believes and if that might make a difference in the way he acts as a president.  Sometime the minute details are what get people hung up about.  They may only be seeing the big picture and not some of the important details.

The following commentary can cut both ways
"But more than that, we — as Mormons — need to avoid judging others who appear quaint and quirky to us.
Those Hindu gods with elephant heads or a dozen legs? They help people rise above the world.
On the surface, such things may appear bizarre.
But they don't look odd to those who go beyond the surface.
Mormons don't like being mocked. We wish people would try harder to see the faith as we do.
And if there's a lesson in that, it may be this.
Mock not if you don't like to be mocked."
Don't mock what you don't know  By Jerry Earl Johnston, Deseret News

As a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints I hate it when people get things wrong.    The basic things - Being a cult etc.  But, am I giving the benefit of the doubt to those around me.  Many times not because I have not gone beyond the surface.

I guess these Jehovah Witnesses we see out on a Saturday spreading the word and want to avoid have gained their conviction or testimony at some point.  Who in their right mind would go around a neighborhood all day knocking on doors?  That takes conviction.

But, to many of us are so busy we really don't have time to go beyond the surface.  That was one of the many challenges I faced as a missionary.  Have people that are investigating the church fulfill their commitments.  Things like attending church services or reading the Book of  Mormon.  Just getting beyond that was a major obstacle.  And in many cases it was purely that the people in question did not really have the desire to get to the point of going beyond the surface.  They had a cursory interest in finding out a little about the church but, not going much further then that.

I think in some cases it was also fear.  Fear of what might happen if they really did pray with an open mind and a sincere heart.  Just think of it.  Would you perform a scientific experiment if you really did not want to find out the result?   Experiments are what ones does to get a result.  In some cases you suspect things will turn out a certain way and do the experiment to confirm or deny your hypothesis.
The same goes for Pray and digging beyond the surface with religion.  You have to perform the experiment (Pray) and then accept the conclusion.   It might not be what you expect in the end.  And it might not be that super fast all telling, angel visiting, miraculous experience either.   Just look at many of the general leadership of the church.  They don't go around claiming to have been visited by angels that told them to believe.  Mostly they claim to have had a sweet, feeling of comfort and confirmation.  NO bells, whistles or hallelujah chorus.  Just something simple but, definite.
And in some cases it was not on the first or many even the second time they prayed.

So as the church comes under more scrutiny due to Romney's Nomination we hope that people will go beyond the surface.  That they will base their information on facts or information obtained directly from the church and not some ex-member that likely has a grudge or some supposed expert that is not even a member but, just happened to have studied a lot.

On the flip side we should give the benefit of the doubt to those of other faiths as well. Try and see where they are coming from.
We all have our built in prejudices.  All based on our background, where we grew up, who we associated with, and the like.  At times these "values" maybe a little colored but, not wholly off base.  At other times they maybe totally wrong and bordering on down right ignorant or racist.

It's like the fact
"Rev. Jeffress endorses Mitt Romney and shared values".  Just a couple of months ago he was saying Romney comes from a "non-christian cult".  So now he sees the light?  Did he really dig beyond the surface?  Or is he more scared of what he feels Obama is and want to throw his weight behind a more "acceptable" candidate?  This smells of hypocrisy.  I don't think this very genuine.  Appears to be more like he's wanting to support the candidate for his party and has to come up with some flimsy things to make it work even though this looks like a back pedal from his stance a few months ago.

That is why I'm glad the church has a stance of political neutrality
This is a good rule of thumb in politics.  Find out a bit more about the candidate then what is being provided in the sound bits.  Some times you will be shocked at the truth.  And also don't keep such a short memory on things promised.   My father specified that once a person ran for city council promising to keep large development out of the area.  Shortly after he was elected he was doing exactly what he said he would not.   Work with a local land owner (the owners of a high end shopping mall etc) to get a 32 story building built near the freeway.  Shortly  there after term limited were implemented.  People were sick of being fed a line and taken for a ride.  At least now every 8 years or so you have new blood.

So make and effort to go beyond the surface.  And take the plunge if you have not already.  Pray and find out if the Book of Mormon is true.  You might just want to read it first.

Your eyes might be opened or at least you'll understand a little more what a Mormon really believes.

Buaidh - NO - Bas

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