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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Follow Up on the Highland Games

The events on Saturday wee wonderful.   I ended up sun burned even though the day started out a bit over cast.  We have June gloom in southern California and it was in full swing that morning.

The venue that is utilized is very good for this type of event.  Things can be spread out and not conflict one with another though things are not so far off that you have to climb a hill and go around a bend.
Sadly, this does not help the sheep dog demos.  This were in a small pen near the children's area and seating was no existent and shade just as much so.   Also because of such a small space provided that can do no more then a bit of demos, and not some real competition that has the dogs darting out of the bushes with the lost sheep running as fast as they can to get away.  Still good, but what can you do with a small area.

They call the long walk that has the clan tents up and down it the "Clan Mile".  That would not be much of an exaggeration.  They provide a ton of space and it goes on for quite some distance.  All the clans were well represented and we had our moment of the clan roll call.  One clan appeared to be having their AGM (Annual General Meeting) and sadly did not have much humph when called.  Probably many were off at the tons of other activities.

Pixar and Disney were very much in marketing mode.  They had loads of Banners for the upcoming Brave Movie in the main arena, and several locations around the fair grounds.   They even were cross promoting with the archery going on.  I'm hoping we can win the tickets to the advanced screening of Brave.
They even had a booth with a boat load of posters and other handouts......  what girl with a bit of Scottish/Irish blood in her does not want to have red hair and be a pro at archery?

My daughter tried her hand at archery for the first time.  The quality of the bow makes all the difference.  The first time we got a poor quality bow that was not really the right size.  It was much easier in the afternoon with a slightly bigger bow.  She even hit the targets.

I now know why King Edward "Long shanks" of England incorporated Welsh long bowman into his army. 

My wife commented that if she had to live by hunting she would likely starve.   It's not as easy as it seems.  But the food offering were quite good.  Tons of fish and chips, meat pies and banger and onions.

One of the many highlights of the day was the Farmer's Walk held just before the closing ceremonies and massing of the bands in the main arena.   Basically the guys carry 150 lbs in each hand and try to go as far as they can.  There is a distance of 100 feet marked out and they turn around at the end and come back.   A world record 500 feet was achieved Brian Crilly setting world record in Farmers Walk

The previous world record holder. Tried his hand at the event and did a very noteworthy 400 feet.  The master class and guys under 300 lbs care a lesser 225 lbs worth of weights.  Not any less of a feat.

Real Men wear kilts.  Don't let any one tell you otherwise.

So all and all it was a wonderful time at Scots Fest 2012.  The 21 cabers tossed at once was a bit strange but, why would it not be?

So make an effort to attend your local Scottish Festival and Highland Games.  It will be well worth your time - even if you do decide to not try the haggis.

Buaidh - NO - Bas

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