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Monday, July 2, 2012

1984 and the Modern Digital Age

I just got done watching the movie Nineteen Eighty-Four (1984) based on George Orwell's Book by the same name.  The version I watched is the one filmed in 1984 featuring Richard Burton.  There is an older version available from the 50's that appears the Orwell family did not like.  This version seems to stick with the tone of the book quite heavily and is very creepy in some respects.

It's creepy in the respect that you wonder how someone falls into a society of that style (bland, controlled, lacking individualism, etc).
The same question must be asked of Nazi society in the 1930's and 40's.   How can someone fall into or accept what is happening around them so readily?

It appears the whole of it is based on Propaganda, brainwashing and the controlling of thoughts, actions, and available information.


So in the movie you see a lot of constant propaganda to the populous.  They have tons of messages in the eating areas and the like that tout how well things are going.  How this measure of productivity has increased or how the infant mortality rate is lower etc.  And the whole time you see everything in such a grey ton, a bland, lifeless, faceless society.  Everything is so dismal, and lifeless.  Even the people are in a sense lifeless.  Just kind of getting through life.  Then there is the ever present screens with party information, pictures of "Big Brother", and similar things that fill ones head with the idea of the great state.  The worst is the constant stream of people confessing their "Sins" to the world and the error of their ways.  This helps to reinforce the mentality of oneness, of sameness, and ultimately makes you afraid of what your neighbor may be thinking or doing.  Again a tool to help make sure people turn in anyone that is different or not going along with the program.

This is how the system works.  Keep the people in fear and always have a constant enemy.  Thus people will turn on one another, to save their hides if need be.  In the film you are always hearing about the mega war going on.  This gives everyone a goal, something to fear, and a reason for being.  In so much as they are constantly rewriting history, making up stats and basically feeding a line to the populous that has been brainwashed to think that their miserable existence is actually improving.

Another scary book/film is Fahrenheit 451.  Instead of rewriting history to what they want it to read, or making it fit their agenda, history is destroyed.  They burn all books.  They control the people via television like devices in every home.  Free thinking is more or less banned.  Subliminal messages and propaganda is feed to you everyday.  Firemen are not designated to put out fires, but to create them.

Because of the control you get to the point you feel you can't talk about your opinions.  Under fear that you may say something that is not acceptable. Thus you keep quiet.

Under these two forms or systems of government and society you would find that all talk radio would cease to exist.  People like the John & Ken Show in Los Angeles and all their rabble rousing would go away.  Being informed so you can keep things like excessive taxes down, have government stop wasting money on dead end project (high speed rail, bridge to no where, toll express lanes, etc), and electing better candidates would stop.  You'd find it harder and harder to stay informed.  You would be spoon feed things that would help the candidate in office.  And if no term limited were present you have a type of upper crust oligarchy akin to a monarchy.  Fact checking would be next to no existent as well.  Imagine if all you got was articles but, they never had any of the references at the bottom of the page, let alone comments that more sources are needed, or the such.  Blogs of all sorts could be become fact no matter how bad they are, or non-factual.  it would be like backwards day every day of the week.  Black would be white, white would be black and 4 fingers would really be 5 no matter how hard you look at them.

I vote to keep our open informed society.   Do not blindly follow.  Do not just take the candidates word for it even if he is from your church or religion or hometown.  They all may be doing the little dance.  The say what works here and what works for that audience.  Then in the end try to please everyone and thus no one all the same.

Hopefully as we digitize more and more we do not put ourselves down this slipper slope.  Imagine how it would be if your books were revised without our consent via our digital E-readers (Nook, Kindle, etc).  it could get to the point that the rewriting of history like in 1984 could happen so easily and we may not even notice it.
A very scary thought indeed.  Slow just slowly things change and then boom a few years down the road what was not accepted then is accepted now.  And if a minority pushes hard enough on something then they start to get heard.  Take Gay Marriage for example.  In California for example we passed prop 8 to define marriage as between a man and a woman.  Very simple.  But the minority group has fought like crazy to have this over turned.  They kick and scream and do their little dance.  And people begin to feel pity for them.  Things unfortunately will change, thus the other side has to get its message out too.  For if we don't sooner then later things will have been changed and we will wonder when it happened.  Likely while we were asleep.

This goes for your religion as well.  God does not want you to blindly accept what you are told.  He want you to put him to the test.  Have a surety of the truth of the Gospel.  If you can't say you have that then maybe you need to put him to the test.

And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would aask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not btrue; and if ye shall ask with a csincere heart, with dreal intent, having efaith in Christ, he will fmanifest the gtruth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.
 And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may aknow the btruth of all things.
 And whatsoever thing is good is just and true; wherefore, nothing that is good denieth the Christ, but acknowledgeth that he is.
 And ye may aknow that he is, by the power of the Holy Ghost; wherefore I would exhort you that ye deny not the power of God; for he worketh by power, baccording to the faith of the children of men, the same today and tomorrow, and forever.
Moroni 10:4-7

Keep truth Alive!

Buaidh - NO - Bas

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