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Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Christmas Spirit

I'd like to talk today about the Christmas spirit.  As we are in the "Holiday" or Christmas season this topic is very applicable.

"The spirit of Christmas is something I hope all of us would have in our hearts and lives—not only at this particular season but also throughout the year." Rediscovering the Christmas Spirit Thomas S Monson

I'd like to dive further into this Christmas spirit.  What is it really?
Does it amount to you not saying 'Bah Humbug'? or does it entail the extensive giving of gifts.  Some can be labeled as not having the Christmas spirit simply because they do not want to participate in the local giving tree, or don't seem interested in giving out many gifts or cards.   Then you have the other side of things with those that send Christmas cards with the picture of their smiling family. Depending on how well you know the people you might give a chuckle since it seems like a fascade.  Christmas spirit is more then any of this.  More then the gift giving, cards, presents and the like.
It is however, hard to separate the commercial, worldly things from the more religious aspects.  President Monson again sums up a bit of what real Christmas spirit is.

"In this marvelous dispensation of the fulness of times, our opportunities to love and give of ourselves are indeed limitless, but they are also perishable. Today there are hearts to gladden, kind words to say, deeds to be done, and souls to be saved."  Rediscovering the Christmas Spirit Thomas S Monson

To find the true meaning of Christmas spirit we have to look to the what the day/event is really all about.   Is it not a celebration of the birth of the Savior of the world - even Jesus the Christ?

Christ came to this earth with one main purpose.  He came to this earth to redeem us from sin so we could return to the presence of our Heavenly Father as was determined in the premortal existence.  He came to give the ultimate gift.  To bleed and die for us.  And Heavenly Father gave us also the ultimate gift -
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."  John 3:16

Any gift or present we give would pale in comparison to those gifts given by our Eternal parents and Christ Jesus.  However, we can consider what type of gift we might give him.  What we might do to emulate him more and provide a little Christmas spirit all around.

For some it can be as simple as giving up a space at the shopping mall.  Others it may be giving up a bad habit.  Still others it might be to go out of your way to be kind to all you encounter.  The list could go on.  Each and everyone of us can give something.  Even something seemingly small can be great in the eyes of the lord.

"...that by small and simple things are great things brought to pass..."  Alma 37:6

Imagine what would happen in the world if each and every person took it upon themselves to go one additional act of kindness, one additional good deed, one additional moment of Christlike attitude.

Hearts might be softened, and amazingly the world would be a better place.  Some grudges, or feuds would be put aside.  And there would be "Peace on Earth".

We all know that Satan the father of all lies would not be happy if this were to occur.  For he seeks to make us miserable like unto himself.  But, Heavenly Father and Jesus have a wholly different purpose for use.
"For behold, this is my work and my glory—to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man." Moses 1:39

Thus those feeling of dejection, of depression, of sadness that may come at this time of year as you see others "enjoying" themselves are not of the Lord.  They are not the feeling he want to you to have. 

Oddly I am reminded at this moment of some song lyrics of the "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life" by Monty Python.

"Some things in life are bad
They can really make you mad
Other things just make you swear and curse.
When you're chewing on life's gristle
Don't grumble, give a whistle
And this'll help things turn out for the best...

And...always look on the bright side of life...
Always look on the light side of life..."

If your feeling down, dejected, or sad try and do something positive for someone else or even just go sing.  Try and provide some service, or even if it is simply giving a smile to everyone you see or offering a few words of Holiday cheer, you will begin to feel much better.  Christ did not hide his wonderful gift.  He did all in his power to get the 'Glad Tidings' out to the world.  He even asked all of us to do the same.

So if your tight on funds this year or fretting about the impending 'Fiscal Cliff' go out and do some acts of kindness, some service.   Because for some giving of their time is the hardest thing they have to do.  You'd be surprised at how many people thank you and how much you begin to feel the Christmas spirit.   And that is the same spirit that Christ has imparted to all of us.

Buaidh - NO - Bas

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