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Monday, February 11, 2013

Dr Benjamin Carson - A real straight thinker

I recently found out about a speech made by Dr. Ben Carson at the National Prayer Breakfast that seems to turn a lot of things on there head.  He also seems to defy a lot of odds since he came from the Ghetto and little or no chance in life.  However, now you have a neurosurgeon, author, lecturer, professor and much much more.  Many of his thoughts and ideas might not be considered politically correct but, they sure are good.  Take the time to watch the presentation.

A couple of highlights I got out of his comments.  We need to be more focused on solutions and not the political bickering that seems to prevail in the current congress and senate.  What that means is find some common ground and be bold enough to say what you really mean or believe.  He uses Christmas as a good example.  To many people worried about offending a small portion of the populous decide to not say "Merry Christmas".  They worry too much about offending and not the general significance of the phrase.  They worry to much about how the receiver will react.  Let the Jewish person that hears this joyous greeting respond with what is appropriate for their faith that that time of year.

One must not sit back and let things happen.  We have to get our our opinions and start the dialog.  There can be no more of this "what will they think" stuff.  If you don't support gay marriage you have to let you voice be known.  That's how the gays are having success.  They are not afraid to put it in your face.  They are willing to push the issue.  Are we willing to push the issue?  Or do we take the politically correct route and think that by trying not to offend someone you are being Christ like.  Christ had no problem calling a dog a dog.  He never sugar coated anything.  He was just so good (helps to know the intents of the heart) he could provide questions or comments that brought to light what was needed  and left and general out.

Love his take on the use of tithing as a base for how we should handle taxes.  It's the inherent fairness of the system.  And it comes from the fairest person in the universe - God

"We don't necessarily have to do 10% but it's the principle. He didn't say if your crops fail, don't give me any tithe or if you have a bumper crop, give me triple tithe. So there must be something inherently fair about proportionality. You make $10 billion, you put in a billion. You make $10 you put in one. Of course you've got to get rid of the loopholes. Some people say, 'Well that's not fair because it doesn't hurt the guy who made $10 billion as much as the guy who made 10.' Where does it say you've got to hurt the guy? He just put a billion dollars in the pot. We don't need to hurt him. It's that kind of thinking that has resulted in 602 banks in the Cayman Islands. That money needs to be back here building our infrastructure and creating jobs."  Dr_Benjamin_Carson_addresses_National_Prayer_Breakfast

Yes in the short term you may find some hurt on the side of the poor and lower income people. But, think it is still the same percentage across the board.  You don't have one guy paying 29% and another paying only 12%.  Everyone would be paying the same 5% or what ever the amount it happens to be.  All income would be in the pot for consideration.  There would not be - stock sale profits are not included, or your exempt from the rental money you made as income.

Likely you'd end up with more money over time.  And the only way to manipulate this would be to claim your making less then you really are.  Much less to manipulate.  In reality is it not sad that at times due to a certain "charitable donation" you can reduce your taxes more then said "donation".  There are currently to many ways to game the system.

I also like his take on health care.  He mentions HSA accounts that carry over at death.  Therefore, people might not feel like they have to use it all up just before they die so it will not be taxed or acquired by the government.  Think what kind of alternate thinking and planning would happen with a situation like that.  Where people view things not as some unknown, unaccounted for amount that comes from the government (I.e. medicare) and something coming right out of their pockets.  You'd go the cheaper route if you thought it was as good as the other.  No one in their right minds buys a car for $15,000 when they can get basically the same for $10,000.  Same goes for health care.  When you feel the pinch you handle things differently.

Case in point.  My daughter is on the health insurance from the state for children.  it is what it is can provides some form of coverage.  However, while she was throwing up from a cough on a weekend I attempted to obtain information on a urgent care center so we would not have to go to the emergency room.  All kinds of other stuff is out and about at the emergency room and we did not need exposure to that if it could be helped.   They could not provide a local area one covered under the insurance.  Where did we end up?  The Emergency room.  With the flu how it has been they did not want to take any risks fearing something more serious was happening. Big waste of money but, it is what we had to do because of the way the system was setup.

Another point.  I read of a lady who had routine knee surgery.  This typically runs $5,000 - $10,000 dollars.  The bill sent to her insurance was for $81,000.  She ended up with a check to pay the out patient facility.   She did not pay them and instead complained to the State Attorney General, the school district she works for providing the coverage and the insurance company that it was over billing.  They in the end reduced the amount.  The school district due to being "Self Insured" was being fleeced, even though the insurance said it was a reasonable amount to be paying.  Good for her as he helped to keep the contribution by hard working teachers down.   We can't just take the as OK all the time.  We have to push back at times.  Call out the bad in the system.  I'm not talking about being over the top.

Enough said for now...... I'd vote for this guy as President.
Beats the current one that did not clap through out his entire speech.  And sometimes your actions speak louder then words.

Buiadh - NO - Bas

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