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Monday, April 22, 2013

Another way to look at the Gay Marriage Issue and how Ridiculous it has gotten

So yesterday there was a visitor at church.  He was doing some kind of report for his anthropology class.  He had lots of questions.  It was unclear if he had attended a meeting in the past or not.  He claimed to work with a member and was familiar in a general sense with some of the basic teachings.

So why do I bring this up?  And what does a person coming to do a anthropology report on a church have to do with gay marriage?

Well as always the issues of polygamy was brought up.  Polygamy was at one point practiced by the  Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints up until the Official Declaration 1 was published.
So due to various pressures the practice was given up.  It was not a wide spread practice and I've read maybe no more then 10% of the population was engaged in it.  A person entering into take a 2nd 3rd or 4th wife would have to have the financial means to support said additional family.  I happen to come from strong LDS families on both sides but, there was only one that practiced plural marriage.

One explanation given to the visitor at the time was the lack of able bodied men.   The need to care for many widowed or single women.  The Lord had his purposes at the time and those purposes were fulfilled years after the Salt Lake valley was settled.
I always like to refer back to Abraham.  Almost everyone will agree he was a prophet.  And he had more then one wife.  So over time and due to differing circumstances the Lord may authorize plural marriage.  In other times and circumstances he does not.

Currently there are a few splinter group that practice plural marriage in some form or another and claim to be Fundamentalists.  That in itself could be a whole other topic of discussion. 

So what then is the connection to Gay Marriage?
Well people are getting so bent out of shape over the need/desire to have men marrying men and women marrying women that they have decided to push it on the whole of the populous.  They sit and make claims that it is their God given right, that they were born that way and can not help having an attraction to people of the same sex, etc.
This all defeats the purpose for why were are here on earth.

Genesis 1:27-28
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and bfemale created he them.
 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

it is interesting to note that he created first Adam and then Eve. he did not not create Adam and then Steve.  For that would not allow them to procreate and "multiply and replenish the earth."

So keeping that in mind we have a clear idea as to why go did what he did.  This is also why we can not support gay marriage.
For this will never allow for us to multiply and replenish the earth.

So again why the link between these to types of marriage.
If they in the end decide that Gay marriage or marriage of two persons of the same sex is legitimate.... they must also reexamine a plenitude of other types of marriage.  Why then can not one say they want to be married to their dog Fido, or that getting married to their sister is wrong.  Also you have to reexamine why polygamy is banned.  You have to say why can't more then one guy get married to one lady, or a man have more then one spouse.

This whole thing opens up a can of worms that I think a lot of people including the Supreme Court of the United States of America do not want to touch.

One of them stated something when hearing oral arguments that we would be messing with centuries of proven case history and "this has been around for less time then the cell phone and the internet".  Due to this unproven situation many don't want to try.  Also some got the other direction and say due to the fact we don't have any case history to the contrary why not?
Well in that case Bob might as well marry Fido so he can have relation with said Fido.... we have no case history on that as well.

We do have a bit of case history on Polygamy.  Real plural marriage with consenting adults of proper age and the like.  We also have some case history with those having plural marriage with under aged not so consenting persons.

We can provide and not provide documentation on the harms and unknowns all day.  So it comes down to what marriage in the end really means.  Is it a legally defined act that really has nothing to do with religion or religious beliefs or is it something more.

That's the issue the Supreme court has to look at.

At what point do you draw the line.  At what point to do you say the this will not provide for "multiplying and replenishing the earth"?

So the next time someone tries to ram down your throat or forcefully claim your being discriminatory by apposing gay marriage just throw out there polygamy.  Find out what their opinion is on this type of marriage.  Then you'll find they they may very well have some biases and hopefully they will find how much they have reservations as well.... that their own point of view is a little narrow.

And frankly let's get this monkey wrench out into the works.  Let's gum up the gears and force people to look at things a little differently...... and after they have just do the following:

"President Kimball said we should hate the sin but love the sinner."
So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.  John 8:7

Buiadh - NO - Bas

It has come to my attention that I am not the only one seeing a link between the Same-Sex marriage argument and Polygamy.
See the following article for more......

Slate Writer Argues for Polygamy

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