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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Moral Dilemma

So this weekend we acquired a copy of the movie "The Box" staring Cameron Diaz to watch.  Boy it turned out to be a bit creepy.  Though the premise is very interesting.

If a guy shows up at your home and delivers you a box with a button on top with the following caveat (if you push the button you get 1 million dollars cash but some random unknown person will die) what would you do?

This follows a similar premise to the movie "Indecent Propsal".
Offering a million bucks for you to do something that you know is not appropriate.

So the question falls - where is your cut off point when it comes to immoral proposals?

Would you cave in at 1 million dollars, 10 million, or 100,000?

With the movie the box the couple stresses over what could happen and all the ramifications etc.  Then they basically think "no one will know, and the box has no wires and the like."

In the end it appears some type of alien group was conducting some type of physiological experiment, some high up level of the government. 

In reality we deal with see types of moral dilemmas on a daily basis.  Usually it is small stuff like dealing with a miss charge on a grocery bill or really stopping fully at that stop sign at 9pm at night.
Daily we have to internally fight off the everyone is doing it routine, and do the right thing.  Do we step up and admit we did something wrong?   Do we take responsibility when being handed the traffic ticket or do we fight it tooth and nail?

Just imagine how much better the world would be if everyone just did the right thing.  Though due to the way the plan is laid out we are always given our agency - the choice to make the decision and some times pick wrongly.

But, it was known that we would make mistakes, and since we had to be "unspotted" to enter the presence of God additional things were put into place to help us fill the gap become worthy to enter his presence.

Jesus was sent to fill that gap.  So all of us stressing over making the right choice can rest a little easier and know that if we do our best to make the hard moral choices we still have a way to come back if we chose wrong.

Would you like a free copy of a book that will help you to make the hard moral choices?  A book that lays out the plan of happiness?
A book that will make you feel better as you apply the things it teaches.  That help you to feel that not all is lost.  That there is good in the world today and you don't have to be the only one working for it?

Free book on God's Plan of Happiness

Buaidh - NO - Bas

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