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Wednesday, June 19, 2013

A few more thoughts on Marriage

Most of the talk these days is about gay marriage.  Oft forgotten is the fact that traditional marriage in America and around the world is falling by the way side.  Some even site this as a reason to allow for gay marriage....  "can't make things any worse"

In reality marriage has been under attack long before the gays started to make such a big deal out of it.  it may have started back in the free love days of the 60's and 70's.  The time when the sexual revolution began.  But, the seedy side of things has been a problem for years on end.
Child prostitution was an issues in England in the 1800's.  Royal families are full of less then legitimate heirs ..... some of which left their mark on history and did not just disappear in a convent somewhere.  Take Theresa Countess of Portugal the illegitimate daughter of Alfonso VI king of Leon and Castile.  Her son Alfonso Henriques became the first king of Portugal.

However, despite all this marriage has been falling apart for some time.  It is being attacked or damaged in a variety of ways.
First you have the fact that many states have made divorce "no fault".  That means you don't really need much of a reason to divorce your spouse.  Just claim differences that can not be resolved and presto.  Used to be you needed infidelity, or other types of abuse, or neglect.  That made people work on fixing things before heading to court.
Also there is a general attitude even among those interested in getting married that they will wait till they are better off financially, done with school etc.
Yes, once married you may have a kid or two come along fairly quickly.  Though delaying just creates other problems.
Along those same lines are those that feel let's just try things out for a time and see if it works out.  Then if things are going well we can officially hitch up even though we may have been living together for several years.  What does this create?  A higher rate of divorce for those that do get married after living together for a time.
Likely, it has to do with the lack of desire to fix things.  The lack of commitment that is created, and other related ideas and issues.

Then beyond the break down of marriage you have increasingly low birthrate in many countries due to the cost of living, and marriage related issues.  With persons delaying getting married you find also an increase in the delay of children or you find young children of older parents.  In the past people might get married by 20 and start setting up their own farm some where in the area of their families (farther west depending on land availability).  Thus the age span between generations is about 20 years +/- 5 years.
Now a days it is more like 30-40.  What a change.

So is there a solution to all this?
Is there something that can be done to fix society?  To strengthen marriage, make it more common place and at the same time make it better (better quality, more useful to society, more strengthening etc).
It may seem simple.  It may seem like 'why did I not think of that sooner'.  Just follow god's plan.  Spend time with your family and get your priorities right.  You find just this message in the below video.

One final thought.  Someone posted on facebook something along the following lines. 
'You can't read the bible in school.  But, they give them away for free in prison.  So maybe we wouldn't need to hand them out in prison, if we started to allow people to read the bible in school."
You get the point.

Want a book they likely won't tell you you can't read it at school?
Request a free copy here - Free not so banned book

Yes, we can fix things.  Hope is not all lost.  Stick with it and do what is right...... it will all work out in the end.

Buaidh - NO - Bas

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