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Friday, June 14, 2013

Father's Day

I found a few videos that really sum up what it's like to be a father and all the wonderful things we get from the men that make and effort to be good fathers.

Remember the men that are fathers did not get a manual on how do what they need to do when you were born.  It's not like it came out along side the placenta as part of the package. Same goes for all the mothers (but many of them seem to get things right more times then not).

So as the fathers of the world struggle to do the right thing, to make the hard choice each day we should congratulate them.

They provide a special balance in the family.  A special sense of belonging that the mother can not provide.  But, together with the mother they help to make great things happen.

Just remember that you will one day be in their shoes.... and you will hope to do things right to be of your ability.  You may stumble or fall a time or two.  But, your family should rally around you and help you get up and over come your obstacles.   Your father may even be around to offer a hand to rise you up from off the ground.

Moses 1:39
For behold, this is my work and my glory—to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.

This wondrous example is just an emulation of our Father in Heaven.  He want us to have the best in live and knows that our mortal existence will be fraught with trials.
He did provide a plan whereby we could all return to live with him.
He did not just leave us hanging.  He does let make choices here in our mortal existence.  He know we have to be able to do this to grow.  However, knowing we will fall short on occasion and become unworthy to return to his presence he provided a way.
He provide his only begotten son who bleed and died for us so that we could return to his presence.  His son who makes up the difference of our short comings.

So do as thy Father Heaven Doth.... show love to all and especially thy father.  Let him know how much you appreciate him.  How much he means to you.  And if you father is  no longer in your life for what ever reason..... find a father and tell him how much you appreciate all his efforts to do the right thing when the going gets tough.

Buaidh - NO - Bas

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