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Thursday, August 15, 2013

Hyperloop and Modern Innovation

Boy you have probably seen the news and heard all about the details for the Hyperloop by Elon Musk founder of the Telsa motor company and SpaceX.

It's all over the news because he finally let out some details.  He finally provided picture and diagram and maps and all the necessary stuff to really see what he really means.  For weeks if not months he has been eluding to this Hyperloop and giving only a taste.  Well the wait is over and the viability of this Hyperloop is there.

"Is there truly a new mode of transport – a fifth mode after planes, trains, cars and boats – that meets those criteria and is practical to implement? Many ideas for a system with most of those properties have been proposed and should be acknowledged, reaching as far back as Robert Goddard’s to proposals in recent decades by the Rand Corporation and ET3.
Unfortunately, none of these have panned out. As things stand today, there is not even a short distance demonstration system operating in test pilot mode anywhere in the world, let alone some
thing that is robust enough for public transit. They all possess, it would seem, one or more fatal flaws that prevent them from coming to fruition" Hyperloop Alpha - Elon Musk

Well he sure is demonstrating that the firth mode of transportation may well be upon us.  That this mode of transit could very well be safer, faster, and more cost effective then some type of high speed rail like that they want to put in California from LA to San Francisco.(Why California High Speed Rail will not work)

Anyways his high tech transit of the future could be built as he says with about 6-10 billion dollars.  Compare that to the 68-100 billion for the "high speed rail" that really is not so high speed at this point.  Even with cost over runs of say 10-30% you will have a fairly cost effective option.

The best part is he's willing to make the information, the technology behind this open-source.  Basically, giving it away to a good cause, and he says he's not willing to start a company he's not willing to put some of his own money into.  So you have a dream situation.  

Logically, you can have a couple of good, intelligent, outside the box thinkers that take this idea and run with it.  They can then form up additional ideas that overcome known or projected issues.
Things like what if there is power failure (akin to engine loss on an airplane), breaking, people riding in their own vehicles, right of way, maintenance and the like.  These more details issues will have to be resolved.  Overarching it seems like a great idea and in general seems like it would work.  It seems to be bases on known technologies, and is not waiting for some type of hyper drive or thing that has not been invented.  That is the nice part.

We need more of this type of innovation.  Take a common issue such as the transit time from point A to point B, or urban planning or the like and have someone sit and present an overarching method or idea on how to solve the problem.  Then provide funding (seed money, contest money or the like) and have the general population have a crack at making it better, at improving on the idea of maybe even just solving one part of the over all problem or issue.

This could work for places like Detroit that is dealing with blit and a city falling apart at the seams, to California and it's issues with congestion on the local freeways.

Has anyone ever thought of making double layered, or double decker freeways.  South bound say on the bottom and on top the northbound.  Could this solve the congestion issue in LA?  We might not know unless someone throws a viable idea to implementing this out to the "cloud" and then letting others take and improve it. 

We need to promote being more curious in the general populous.
To having people think outside the box and come up with a few outlandish ideas.  But, back those ideas up with a little something that makes sense.  This hyperloop is just that.  An outlandish idea that is backed up with some real science and stuff that makes sense.   Details still need to be worked out.  But, we need the seeds to be planted and we need to have people curious enough to take those seeds and try to prove if they are viable or not.

This whole hyperloop idea being open source is great.  Why not create a co-operative company or organization to brings together people interested in making this thing actually work.  To have an organization were everyone in the organization has some skin in the game.  Some time of extra motivation to make things work out.

We need more of this creative thinking.  More of the think out of the box mentality.

Could this be the creativity needed to kick start the economy.
A great article talks about this idea - Real-job-creation-requires-finding-ways-to-make-people-curious

So I propose that good old Elon Musk promote a competition on creating either a working prototype of this hyperloop or detailed enough plans that it could be make if the financing were available.

Make the prize or prizes something worth talking about.  Say 5 Million dollars for a fully working prototype.  Maybe 1 Million for some type of resolution to a major component.  Then after a year of letting people mess with the idea you'd really fully know if it could work.  

I like what the Childrens' Tumor Foundation does for their research funding.  They offer seed money - small amounts of funding, to do some type of targeted research.  You have to provide some type of feed back or results in say a 6 month period of time.  They thus tackle small portions of the overall issues of Neurofibromastosis, getting quicker results and can concentrate on what works.  Many times this initial research has lead to further funding and eventually partnerships with pharmaceuticals. 

This is the type of innovation we need so that things can get done.  More room for creativity.  More room to explore and to throw out viable ideas that just have not been fully fleshed out.

Elon Musk could easily fund an innovations foundation with the sole purpose of awarding money to people with novel ideas to common problems.......  I'm sure someone would go after the 5 million prize if it was offered.

Buaidh - NO - Bas

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