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Thursday, February 6, 2014

Fasting and Prayer

It is custom in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints to hold a fast and testimony meeting on the first Sunday of the month. During this meeting time is provided after partaking of the sacrament for people from the congregation to come and bear testimony at the pulpit.
This last fast Sunday we were asked by the local and area leadership of the church to include the drought situation into our fasting. You see here in California many locations are at 20-30% of their normal water supply. January went down as one of the driest on records for places like Sacramento and San Francisco. The governor even declared a state of emergency since most if not all of the farmers in the central valley will not be getting any state allocated water. We simply have been getting less then the normal amounts of rain the last few years. We have ended up in a drought.
So on that first Sunday of the month we all put our efforts into fasting and praying so that we might receive moisture through out the land. Our local leaders even reached out to other faith organizations to ask us to join together in this noble request. The request that the Lord provide us with the moisture we need to sustain our lives. a great scripture was provided in the letter from area leadership

 Isaiah 58:11 And the Lord shall guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in drought, and make fat thy bones: and thou shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters fail not.

This scripture is interesting in the fact that it uses the word drought but, really is referring not just droughts of moisture in our lives.  We can be having other types of droughts.
This was highlighted by all those that presented the message regarding the fast (We heard the message twice due to attending a missionary farewell).

Well I can say that we in deed saw a miracle related to this combined effort in fasting and praying for rain.
Even before the fast day my daughter included a simple plea for rain in her prayers.  I know many other people have and continue to do so.
That fast Sunday we got some moisture.  For our area that had received no measurable precipitation during January it as just wonderful.  Then we got some more a couple days later.  And now another storm coming through the area.  The totals are low still.  You have places that on average receive just over 2 inches of rain in January receiving half an inch.

Think if we had gotten a massive down pouring at first?  Say double our normal levels?
We'd have flooding  and other problems.  It would have solved nothing.
So the moisture has started out slow..... building up in intensity so that the land may handle it.  And the best part of all is that much of this rain is falling in the places it is needed most.
Newport Beach needs the water but, getting part of an inch more or less will not effect much.  Now that makes a big difference if it is in our mountains where the all important snow pack lay.  All the right places were receiving moisture.

Now you may want to say this happen stance.  Pure chance..... that the storm that came that fast Sunday was going to come one way or the other.  That may be so....  but, you have to admit the Lord had a hand in making sure we keep getting additional storms.  Storms that provide some moisture in measured amounts so that we do not go from drought to flooding.

You see at times I think the Lord might provide us with the beginnings of the much needed moisture we need to over come a drought and then sit back and wait to see if we give thanks for that which we have received.    Do you remember the story of the 10 leapers in the new testament.  How many of them came back and thanked Jesus after he had cured them?  Only one right.   Now Jesus gave freely when he healed.  He did not hold that type of thing against someone.  He equally helped the saint and the sinner.  Especially, the sinner.

As they say relating a church to a hospital.  The church is for the sick(sinner), if not we'd have no need to be there......

so as we look to the miracle that came via the faith of many people in the western region of the united states we must the Lord's Hand in all things.

You see we have had answers to our fasting and prayer.  We have begun to receive the moisture we need to heal this land.  To make it once again productive and fruitful.
But, the big test is what will be doing after.  Will we chalk it up to science, or our ability in getting clouds to form?  Or will be simply accept the fact we are mere mortals and that God is really the one in charge?  The one that can bring a famine or rain as he sees fit.

For he giveth and he taketh away

Buiadh - NO - Bas

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