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Thursday, March 20, 2014

The Conspiracy - Holocaust and World War II

I've been fascinated for some time on how it was that the Nazis were able to pull off what they did during World War II.
How Hitler rose to power and all the things generally associated with the war.

So I found a movie at the library called Conspiracy that details what went on at the Wannsee conference in 1942.  This was a secret meeting held near Berlin to as it is called "come up with a final solution to the Jewish Question.  Or resolve the Jewish Question."
Very Stale movie in reality.  To much Heil Hitler in the beginning and clearly racist throughout.

A full version of the movie all 1 1/2 hours.

What I find interesting is how it is detailed in the movie that everyone in a general sense was worried about having some legal claim as they "evacuated" the Jews.  You see they wanted to have some legal claim to stand on.  That all the relocating, sterilization, and eventual gassing was  OK per some legal definition.
The other things that becomes clear is that by that point they had already begun to experiment with ways of "evacuating" the Jews on a mass scale.  Originally, it seemed that this was the conference that defined the policy of the Holocaust.  Reality, is it was simply a meeting of mid level military personnel and ministry heads to convey the message that you need to do everything you can to help the Reich to "evacuate" the Jews.  They were receiving the policy not making the policy.
You see things can be deceptive.  If you think of this as the first time they come up with a policy to kill Jews in mass then you will truly believe that in 3 short years - 6 million dead is just amazing. Reality indicates they were not so efficient.  Detractors have clearly presented in some videos what they believe is the lies of the holocaust.  They'll even tell you how they should have done it if they were to have killed the numbers professed.   They basically prove through their critics that the Holocaust did happen.  That there was a concentrated effort by the Nazis to exterminate the Jews, in mass.  And had they been given more time may have succeeded. If you give them only the 3 years from the 1942 Wannsee meeting you'd have on average 5000 persons killed per day.  Even spreading this among 3-4 death camps that number is huge. So I concur with the skeptics the numbers do not totally match up.  They never will since only portions of the death are documented. However, per things I got from the movie they'd been killing off people in various forms for some time before the Conference.  They mention use of gas trucks, and the Ghettos in places like Poland were already in full force.  So how many people died each year from the beginning of the war? Did it ramp up drastically after this conference?  NO doubt about it.  But, many had already died.
Locations of Death and concentration camps World War II Europe

What I always believe is if they had started earlier, and been even more organized then they were you really might have had a complete extermination of the Jews in some places.  As it stands the majority of the deaths of Jews comes from Poland and they were nearly cleared out.
Had they had another year or two what could have happened?
Holocaust death totals by country

The estimated total number of people executed in the Nazi camps in the table below is over three million:
Camp Estimated
Operational Current country of location Primary means for mass killings
Auschwitz–Birkenau 1,100,000[30] May 1940 – January 1945 Poland Zyklon B gas chambers
Bełżec 600,000[31] 17 March 1942 – end of June 1943 Poland Carbon monoxide gas chambers
Chełmno 320,000[32] 8 December 1941 – March 1943,
June 1944 – 18 January 1945
Poland Carbon monoxide vans
Majdanek 80,000[33] October 1, 1941 — July 22, 1944 Poland Zyklon B gas chambers
Maly Trostinets 200,000[34] Summer of 1941 to 28 June 1944 Belarus Mass shootings, Carbon monoxide van
Sajmište 23,000–
28 October 1941–July 1944 Serbia Carbon monoxide van
Sobibor 250,000[35] 16 May 1942 – 17 October 1943 Poland Carbon monoxide gas chambers
Treblinka 800,000[36] 22 July 1942 – 19 October 1943 Poland Carbon monoxide gas chambers
Total 3,115,000–

a table listing estimates of deaths at concentration camps from
Some will try and pass off the holocaust as something run by a few 'wack jobs' that did not represent the whole of German society.  There are film clips available that show local resident near some of the camps being forced to take a tour shortly after liberation.  Many wanted to be sick.....  but you have to wonder how it is they never smelled anything coming from the direction of the camps.
This is well shown how the local family of the camp director just ignored the things going on so close to them in basically their back yard in - The Boy in the Striped Pajamas.
The general consensus within the population was that they wanted the Jews Gone.  They then turned a blind eye to how it happened.

Something of a parting thought.   Could this type of thing happen in our day and age?
With our 24 hours news cycle, Internet connectivity, and global interconnectedness is is really possible this type of mass extermination could occur.

Some would say that it has.  Look to Africa  being the forgotten continent.  The place that war seems a constant and people in power regularly are 'rubbing out' the opposition that in many cases of a different ethnic tribe.

Our challenge is to get beyond the hatred, bigotry and become more loving and friendly to those around us.  To be more open to new ideas, religions and peoples....  not to the point of losing our own identify but, more along the lines of co-existing for the greater good.

For every culture, race or religion has it's good points and it's less then savory sides.
You can find what your looking for if you search hard enough.

Buaidh - NO - Bas

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