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Monday, February 9, 2015

Enduring to the end

So yesterday we had a very good discussion on agency.  That lesson moved in enduring to the end.

I'd like to comment on this topic today.

You probably have heard the phrase - "Endure to the end".  This phrase is contained in at least a half dozen scriptures.

3 Nephi 15:9, 2 Nephi 31:16, D&C 14:7, D&C 18:22, Mark 13:13

to list just a few. 

The topic is all over the place and there is even an article from 1993 on the subject.

So what does this really mean?  What does enduring to the end really mean?

Per the guide to the scriptures:  To remain firm in a commitment to be true to the commandments of God despite temptation, opposition, and adversity.  

This phrase is usually tied to being saved, lifted up at the last days, receive the promise or  obtain eternal life.

The key element is the last one - Eternal Life.  We are promised that we can obtain eternal life if we hold out to the end while we are faithful to the commandments of God.

If ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, ye shall have eternal life:2 Ne. 31:20; ( 3 Ne. 15:9; D&C 14:7; )

Eternal life is the ability to live as Heavenly Father does.  It differs from Immortality in that you not only live forever, you also live in such a way that you are worthy to live in God's presence.
It is the greatest gift God can give us.  But, to be able to doe this we had to have someone intercede on our part.  All of us due to our mortal existence will fall short; Sin.  Thus since God can not look upon sin in the least degree we would never be able to return to be in his presence, no matter how good we are.   So that is where the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ comes into the picture.  He was willing and able to atone for our sins and make up the difference (Gap) that we will encounter at our day of Judgement.

The Plan of Happiness (Plan of Salvation) spells out what we must do to return to live in the presence of our Heavenly Father.   In this plan we learn that to obtain eternal life we need to have a physical body and be separated from the presence of GOD for a season.  During our mortal existence we will be given commands that we must follow, ordinances to fulfill, things to do that will then allow us to live in the presence of God upon our death.  This can be called living the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the road map we need to follow to return to God's presence.

"We believe that the first principles and ordinances of the Gospel are: first, Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; second, Repentance; third, Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins; fourth, Laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost." Article of Faith 4

So getting back to the "endure to the end".  We find we need to have faith and eventually be baptized and receive the Holy Ghost.  Does that mean that is all we need to do to obtain Eternal Life?
What exactly are we to endure?  How are we to endure?  These are valid and weighty questions.
For in reality it would be quiet disheartening to be employed by someone that never really gave you any instructions on what they expected yet, at the end of the day claimed you had not fulfilled your end of the bargain and 'FIRED' you for your short comings.   You see how this would seem very unfair and not very just.   If you get nailed for a traffic violation you might plead ignorance since yes the law might change on a regular basis and you simple did not get the up to date information.  Little different when your being held to a standard you had no way of knowing about in the first place.
Heavenly Father does not work that way.  He clearly laid out a plan and has made sure that the plan is known by the people down through time.  This plan is talked out in the ancient and modern scriptures.

"We believe all that God has revealed, all that He does now reveal, and we believe that He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God."  Article of Faith 9

Going back to the idea or concept of baptism.  It is labeled as  one of the "first principles and ordinances of the Gospel".  That means there must be more that will come afterwards.  There must be other things we must do in our "enduring" process. Oh there is a lot more to do.  We enter into covenants with God as we keep his commandments and fulfill the ordinances of the Gospel.
As we keep our end of the bargain we keep getting more blessings and opportunities provided by God to be more and more like him. 
Take the Temple and the ordinances we perform there - Endowment, Sealing etc.  There activities are further offerings on our part of our commitment to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  But, is that all we need to do?  Is it enough to just be baptized and call it quits?  Is it enough to just get to the Temple once and call it quits? 
Some might say that it is but, they are taking the easy way out.  They are basically, saying that if you do it once you are good.  I say it would be hard to try that with your employment.   Who would want to keep someone that just shows up once and expects to get the full reward at the end of the day?
It would kind of be like the person that starts work and does not hang in their till the end of the day.
You will not give him his pay check because he has not earned it.  He has not held in there till the end and done all he can do to complete the job.  He has not earned his wage so to speak.

It is the same with enduring to the end.  Going to the Temple once is not enough, going to church only on occasion is not enough, doing anything just half way is not enough.

Now I know you might say hey what about the aged brother..... who can't get out and do much.  He might even be coming to church in a wheel chair, or has to use a cane or walker. Each unit in the church will have those people that due to physical, emotional or mental limitations can not participate the same as the rest.  You will need to make accommidations for those individuals.
They can still participate in some capacity.  They might be able to make phone calls or send letters.
They might not be the best choice for working in the nursery or helping to clean the building.  They might just be better suited to helping to hand out programs as a greeter or even put the program together.   The Lord is aware of the needs and limitations of all of his children.  He thus allows all the opportunity to serve and participate in the Church and take full advantage of the blessing offered by the Gospel.  We must not let our limitations no matter what they may be hold us back.  Not giving up  is part of what enduring to the end means.  It means we will strive till our dying breath to live up to our covenants we have made.  We will put forth our full and maximum efforts.

"Trials, deception, and iniquity—these are the enemies of endurance. Those who can bear the pain of trials, who can ignore alternate voices, whose loyalty can’t be bought with sin—these are they who will not betray their Master’s trust. They will faithfully maintain the charted course. They will endure."   Enduring to the End By Stephen E. Robinson

Buaidh no Bas



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