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Thursday, June 21, 2012

Essential Ordinances

We believe that the first principles and aordinances of the Gospel are: first, bFaith in the Lord Jesus Christ; second, cRepentance; third, dBaptism by eimmersion for the fremission of sins; fourth, Laying on of ghands for the hgift of the Holy Ghost.
Articles of Faith - 4 

Well this past Saturday we baptized my daughter whom was also having her 8th birthday the same day.

She as a female member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has complete the first of just a few essential ordinances that she will complete in her life.  This is also the 2nd time of 3 times that she used a white dress.  There are some good books and artwork on this topic you find out more about below.

We stressed out a lot during the week prior to the baptism for a couple of reasons.  First we had discovered following her interview with the bishop that there were no clothing for children in the usual place.  That lead to a frantic search as to who had this clothing.  We knew a couple of other children in another unit had been baptized about a week prior.  The other stress came from the fact I knew my daughter would not be able to bend her legs as as others do and thus we would need to work on an alternate method to make sure she was fully immersed.  We had practiced how I would hold here a lot and it went mostly as planned.  She did have a toe pop up and then we redoing it I was so worried about the feet I forgot to lower her head enough.  In the end we held her shoulder and legs and it worked out fine.

The Bishop mentioned several times how much understanding my daughter had on the whole baptismal ordinance.  He asked her in the interview what baptism means.  She gave as a response 2 things right off the bat.  That you have to be fully immersed and second that when you take the sacrament on Sunday it is like you are being re-baptized.  That is some very deep understanding.

So let us talk about this essential ordinance of baptism.  Why are we baptized?  What is the proper mode of baptism?  Whom can perform a baptism?  All these are very essential and important questions.  Since if one of these is not properly in place then we simply do not have a valid baptism.

We are baptized for a remission of our sins.  And secondly to be come a member of Christ's Church.  We also have the opportunity to receive the Holy Ghost at that time as well.

 38 Then Peter asaid unto them, bRepent, and be cbaptized every one of you in the dname of Jesus Christ for the eremission of sins, and ye shall receive the fgift of the gHoly Ghost.
Acts 2:38

Baptism is like entering a portal or door.  It is one of the first step on the way to eternal life.  It is like the first steps needed to get on the path that will lead us back to live with our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.  And thus after baptism we have become clean and start down the path as a clean reborn individual.  Now we know we will deviate from the path (Sin) and thus as we take the sacrament weekly and work on repenting we are bringing ourselves back on the the path.  If after all we have done we have maintained ourselves on the path (enduring to the end) we will be able to receive eternal life and our mansion in heaven set aside by our Heavenly Father.

Now we know that baptism is important.  But, you will notice there is some confusion as to how it must be done.  Let us look to the example of Christ to clear things up.
 13 ¶Then cometh Jesus from Galilee to Jordan unto John, to be abaptized of him.
 14 But John forbad him, saying, I have need to be baptized of thee, and comest thou to me?
 15 And Jesus answering said unto him, aSuffer it to be so now: for thus it bbecometh us to cfulfil all drighteousness. Then he suffered him.
 16 And Jesus, when he was abaptized, went up bstraightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the cSpirit of God descending like a ddove, and lighting upon him:

Thus we see Jesus went unto John the Baptist.  Why would be go to John the Baptist?  Because we know that John had divine Authority (Aaronic Priesthood) to perform baptism.  Now we notice that John mentions that he should be getting baptized by Jesus.  Jesus with the ultimate authority could have done that but, we see nothing recorded about it at the time.  Jesus also mentioned the need to 'fulfill all righteousness'.  It is kind of hard to ask everyone to be baptized if you yourself are not willing to do it.  

And now, if the Lamb of God, he being aholy, should have need to be bbaptized by water, to fulfil all righteousness, O then, how much more need have we, being unholy, to be cbaptized, yea, even by water!
 And now, I would ask of you, my beloved brethren, wherein the Lamb of God did fulfil all righteousness in being baptized by water?
 Know ye not that he was holy? But notwithstanding he being holy, he showeth unto the children of men that, according to the flesh he humbleth himself before the Father, and witnesseth unto the Father that he would be aobedient unto him in keeping his commandments.

We also notice that Jesus was baptized by John in the river Jordan.  He was not baptized in a sink or at a well or some such location.  He was baptized in a river so he could be fully immersed.  That helps with the symbolism of rebirth.  Being fully covered by water and then coming out again like a person reborn.

I once saw a movie where they had Jesus go into the water and then John sprinkled some on his head.  Why even bother going into the river if your going to sprinkle.  You could have done that at the side of the well, in the backyard of some Sadducee's home or the like.

We also notice that Jesus came to John when he was of age (30 and starting his ministry).  Jesus was not baptized as a child and he definitely knew what he as doing.  It is clearly stated in the scriptures that one must be of age (Capable of understanding).  Those that die as young children are saved in Christ Jesus for they are pure and sinless.  See Moroni 8 for more details.  Clearly a child of 4 months is not fully capable of understanding what they are doing.  Let alone able to really sin thus they need not be baptized.  Also have you noticed how much more comprehension and understanding a child has as they reach their 8th birthday.  They begin to ask a ton more questions.  They begin to become more sensitive.  They also understand thing more and recognize for example when other children are not being appropriate and mean or misbehaving.  It all just makes sense.

We have touched briefly on whom can perform a baptism.  We see that Jesus went unto John the Baptist because he is one who had authority.

Via modern day revelation we know that there are two types of Priesthood.  The Aaronic and the Melchizedek.  Technically, Levitical Priesthood is an appendage or alternate name for the Aaronic Priesthood.  Aaronic Priesthood is the preparatory Priesthood.
"God gives priesthood authority to worthy male members of the Church so they can act in His name for the salvation of His children. Priesthood holders can be authorized to preach the gospel, administer the ordinances of salvation, and govern the kingdom of God on the earth."  Topic Priesthood

Those that hold the office of Priest may baptize but, not confirm and give the gift of the Holy Ghost.  Only those with the Melchizedek Priesthood may perform this portion of the ordinance.

One does not go around looking to receive the Priesthood or to attempt to gain office or position there in.  The Lord calls the individual.  No one seeks out the keys or authority associated with said Priesthood.

Take note that at first Joseph Smith sought of the lord Information concerning what church to join.  He did not seek out to obtain authority.  He simply wanted answers.  And later as they translated the Book of Mormon they read of authority and Priesthood.  Together they went into the woods and asked of the Lord.  'What are we to do?  Who has this authority necessary to be baptized?'(paraphrasing)  And who should appear to them but, John the Baptist himself to confer the Aaronic Priesthood, and tell them that as they stayed worthy Peter, James and John would come and confer to them the Higher or Melchizedek Priesthood.

Hopefully with all my words of wisdom and explanation one can see why Baptism is one of the essential ordinances.  As previously specified this is one of the 3 times my daughter will wear a white dress. The first was when she was blessed and given a name for the records of the church.  The second being her baptism and the third being wedding day at the Temple.

So if you have not been baptized as Jesus was please take the time to pray about it and find out why you should.  It will be well worth your time

For additional study on this and related topic see the following topics

Holy Ghost

Buaidh - NO - Bas

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