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Monday, June 4, 2012

Kings VS. Judges: A Better Form of Government

On Sunday we were reviewing Mosiah 29 of the Book of Mormon in Sunday school class.  The teacher who loves to use Power point style presentations was focusing on the transition of the Nephite society from a King based system to a Judge based system.

She spent a lot of time going over the differences and why the judges system would be better.   We all know what can happen when you have a king in charge.  He may decide to do things his way and that likely will not be in the best interest of the population or for that matter be very righteous.  Same thing happens when dealing with Dictatorships and the like.  Sometimes, though not always these people will do some very underhanded and not very righteous things to maintain power.  People disappear, some are tortured, and other generally evil and ungodly things occur.

If you are lucky enough to have a righteous king you will have a very righteous, religiously free society that is prospering and has taxes that are for the benefit of all, and not just the few.   You will find things can prosper since the government (i.e. the king) is not sucking things dry, or leading everyone down the garden path.  You'll also find the king not living off of the taxes but, fully participating to earn his living.
This is very different then what you imagine in your head to be a king.  You imagine this person sitting on his throne all day and eating tons of food handed to him by servants, while dressed in the latest fashions and having the easy life.   Not someone that would be laboring in the fields or actually do some type of work.

Another point that was brought up was the fact that in Monarchy situation you likely have a variety of people vying for position and in some cases the top spot of King.  This can lead to treachery and in some cases secret combinations.  Not a pretty picture.

On the other hand the system of Judges though not perfect is apparently superior.   What you find is a group of people that are elected by the voice of the people to hand the affairs of the nation and to sit in judgement on a variety of matters.  You will still have bias and behaviors that might influence the final outcome of their judgements just like in the monarchy.  However, the person was elected and in many cases they regularly hold elections to chose that judge.  That means if you feel the person is not doing such a good job you will always have a change to select someone else you feel will do a better job. 

The constitution of the United States of America was brought up several times as an inspired document.  Not a perfect document but, an inspired document.  What that means is the principles on which the document was created my be perfect but, the implementation will not be.  We have human beings with faults and bias that have to implement what they find written.  This manifests itself well in all the problems dealing with slavery that festered for so long and finally resulted in a civil war that nearly slit the nation in half.  Clearly "All men are created equal" is a perfect statement as is "Blessings of Liberty" but, implementing this proved to be a challenge.  How do you reconcile this with the fact that slavery existed on the very first day the constitution was ratified?
Compromise was what saved the day until eventually issue such a states rights and slavery became to big an elephant in the room to ignore, and thus the civil war (See Doctrine and Covenants 87 about prophesy by Joseph Smith).

Yes there are faults in our current system.  The alternative is to have a sing person deciding everything.  Hope just or righteous will that be.   For it is far better to have a few elected people that might go astray from time to time then to leave it all in the hands of one.

So what should one do to select less corrupt, more righteous God fearing people as our leaders?
You need to obtains as much as you can about the various candidates or options, study them out and see whom or what matched your values and morals the best.  Then lastly make sure to pray about it.  You get a feeling as to which way to go.

So if your not voting and things start to go down the drain as we have a bunch of corrupt, and evil people running things you have no room to complain.  If you did vote then you have some room to complain and hopefully next time you make a better choice.

Buaidh - NO - Bas

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