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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A few Words on Mitt Romney

Over the weekend we were able to view a session of Meet the Press where they interview Mitt Romney Republican Candidate for President of the United States of America.

I really liked the interview.  Not only because Mitt is from my church and religious persuasion.  It was more on some of the responses that the provided.   Naturally some of his responses had the old political talk with vagueness and non-commitment.

There were mainly a couple points that the interviewer was going after.  One was how different will he be in regards to the economy and secondly, a few thoughts on him as a person and the fact that he and his wife are "insensitive" etc.

He brought up a good point in regards to the economy.  Basically, you want things to get better.  And to solve some of the revenue problems we have at the Federal level we need to get more people back to work and not just tax the rich because they have so much.  Yes, per the typical republican response he is not a redistribution type of person.  He is more the lift things up from the bottom type of person.  If let's say 1 million people become employed and that all of them make $8 per hour.  That is a ton of money back into the system.  Now some of those people may have been getting assistance from the government or other location.  They now with some increased income can begin to buy necessities (Not luxuries and the like).  It may be hard to follow but, people employed even at lower rates is better then people that are not employed.  It generates a certain amount of tax revenue (income and sales) as well as purchases etc. which then go toward revenue and profits for the companies or institutions.

Unfortunately, he was pressed a bit on what kind of tax incentives/breaks and loopholes he would remove so that we stay revenue neutral when he implements his plans to lower the tax rates of the higher income earners and middle class.   He just kept going back to the loopholes and incentives.   He did not provide any examples.   Now, in reality not providing specifics is a good thing because when you go and have to compromise you might find that one thing you promised has to be taken off the table to get the votes needed for overall reform.  So yes he was acting like a typical politician in the end.   What does he need to do to not get that evasive branding and that of "he really only wants to help the wealthy"; he needs to provide some things that would be on the table for consideration.   Take for example, capital gains taxes, or mortgage deductions, or some types of limits on donations etc.  Maybe even increasing the amount of income that is taxed for social security or medicare.   Does not mean he would be committing to actually removing those deductions or loopholes.  He'd be saying they are things to be considered, things that could make a difference in the overall picture.  If in the end it is found that removing the mortgage deduction would have an overall adverse effect then they would not touch that.   Until you have some real numbers you should not be promising to touch anything.

Vague may work for a while but, as things get tighter in the race there will be people looking a little more at the specifics.  Then as they get a more broad picture of the candidate and his  ideas or principles they will begin to feel comfortable with said candidate.
But, making empty promises never helps.  It's a kin to lying and no one needs that label.

As for the lack of empathy the Romney family have for the average person - Ann Romney give one of the best responses.

"MS. ROMNEY:  Well, I think the-- the thing that I want to communicate to people, and that it's so important that people understand, is that Mitt and I do recognize that we have not had a financial struggle in our lives.  But I want people to believe in their hearts that we know what it is like to struggle.  And our struggles have not been financial, but they've been with health and with difficulties in-- in different things in life.  And one thing that I-- that I again like to remind people is that multiple sclerosis has been my teacher.  It has been at times a cruel teacher.  But it has also been a great gift in my life because what it has done it has taught me to be more compassionate and caring for others that are suffering.  And I know that people are suffering right now.  And for people to think that we don't have empathy just because we're not suffering like they're suffering is-- is ridiculous.  It’s-- it’s ridiculous to think that you can’t have empathy for somebody that’s struggling. 
Our life has always been devoted to those that are struggling more than we are and I was grateful for the opportunity that we had at the convention for others to speak up and talk about the kind of lives we’ve led-- we’ve led.  And in particular for Mitt who really has been demonized in many ways as being heartless.  And for people to stand up and say, excuse me, he was there when my son was dying of leukemia.  He came to my son’s bedside.  He did all of these things for my son.  And then another woman saying how Mitt was there for her.  So there’re hundreds of those stories that haven’t been told.  And it was refreshing to me for the American people to finally be able to see the lens through which I see my husband and the perspective in which I understand how he operates."
Meet the Press Sunday September 9th 2012

Yes it might be hard to think of what is like to be Homeless for them.  But, when you begin to consider the other struggles and challenges you begin to see they do have a unique perspective.  They are not totally insensitive and callus.  And his work as a Bishop and Stake President allowed him to come into contact with a bunch of people from all different walks of life.  The labourer or store clerk to the business owner, or operations manager.

And Ann Romney gave another great response earlier on when asked how she would feel if Mitt became the first Mormon President.

"MS. ROMNEY:  …I-- I certainly hope so.  I mean it's always wonderful when milestones like that are accomplished.  And I think that was why we were all so pleased with so many Americans.  We’re so pleased with the-- the last election and seeing that a black man was elected as president of the United States.  It made us proud as Americans to know that those prejudices that we've had in the past are-- are falling away."
Meet the Press Sunday September 9th 2012

So let us give him a little slack for all he's being hit with.  It's not easy to give your life story and have it examined with a fine tooth comb.  Let's look to the good things he has done and hope he can give some more concrete ideas as to how he will fix things.  If you go by the view point that Obama has squandered the last several years then we do need a change.  But, we need to verify what type of change we are getting ourselves into.

But, as for me it is looking much better to have a change then none at all.......   what ever you do please make an informed decision when you vote.  Get additional information and verify the facts from both sides of the isle.  You'll be glad you did and will then vote with a good conscience.

Buiadh - NO - Bas

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