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Thursday, September 20, 2012

How not to become depressed

I have come to the conclusion that one of the best ways to not become depressed is to provide service.

Now you might ask how that is.  Well as we give service to others we have our minds on other things.  You get those feel good endorphins moving in your body.  Bottom line you have an overall generally good feeling when you provide service.  Thus how is it possible to be depressed when your providing service?

The great thing about service is you forget about yourself and apply your energy to someone else.  Have you ever been out doing some form of more physical service and completely forgotten about having lunch?  It is very possible as you are helping to clean up an elderly person's yard you simple lose track of the time and forget to have lunch.  This is what I'm talking about.  You lose yourself in the work and who can help but not be happy.

Now we all know there is service for service's sake (I.E. service to be seen or recognized) and then their is the more Christ like service were the giver is trying to stay anonymous or is not seeking recognition.  It is far better to give the second type of service then the first but, you have to admit it is dang hard to be depressed when doing either type.

"All of this illustrates the eternal principle that we are happier and more fulfilled when we act and serve for what we give, not for what we get."
Unselfish Service Elder Dallin H. Oaks Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

“Do [your] duty; that is best; leave unto [the] Lord the rest.”
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, “The Legend Beautiful,” in The Complete Poetical Works of Longfellow (1893), 258.

Have you done any good today? - President Thomas S Monson.

So get out and do some good in the world today.  "A good turn Daily" (Boy Scout Slogan)  You might just feel good and get some exercise in the process.   Somebody is bound to thank you for your kind deeds.

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