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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

"Best two years of your life" - a perspective on missionary service

I'd like to talk about missionary service for a little while.

Many people will hear that their mission was "The Best two years of my life".  But, should it really be the best two years of your life.

Why would one refer to it that way .... is not your current year of your life wonderful?   In reality it my not be all you hope for and thus looking back at the time you spent serving a mission ( 2 year for male and 18 months for female of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints) you'll have fond memories.

Life on a mission is not easy.  Depending on where you are assigned to labor you may be lucky to teach a lesson a week.  In other places you may find people friendly enough but, they never keep commitments and flake out when you try and follow up with visits.  You may also find people that will try run you over on your bike or throw things at you in disgust, and how about people run you off their property because they are really REALLY not interested.  That is outside all the time you will be robbed or have stuff stole at your apartment just because they think your flush with money.  Don't forget about the disease or other problems with health you may encounter.  The list could go on easily for pages.

So with that laundry list of issues why might one feel or say that those 2 years were some of the best?  It might be something very simple.  The more you do something the easier it gets. 
We got to discussing this issue in our lesson Sunday in the Elders Quorum based on Elder Hollands Oct 2012 Conference Talk.  Right now for those in the group holding the discussion we have what seems like a million things going on in our lives.  There is work and the duties to support our families.  Many have children and in some cases another on the way.  There are all the family things that life brings.   Even some finishing school or going back so they can get ahead.  So the world ways down on you.
As a missionary your all day every day out talking to people about the good news - Gospel of Jesus Christ.  You are regularly studying the scriptures, praying for and in behalf of people and generally being uplifted.  Life is simple.  You are not worried where the next meal will come from (well in most cases), how your going to make rent and other things like this.  Life is so much simpler.

Due to this fact - not having to directly support yourself the time you spend as a missionary is a little limited.   Granted in the 1800's it was a bit different for our ancestors that went on missions.  Many left a wife at home to run the family farm and/or young children to raise.  In many cases they could not even say when they would be back.  With communication as it was, it had to be harder then heck dealing with a mission.  Things have changed but, not a ton.  It is still hard but, worth every effort.

So if a mission was the "best 2 years of your life", how can you make now the best two years of your life?

It might not seem so simple but, increasing that spirituality can sure help.
As you concentrate on living the Gospel things will just click for lack of a better way of putting it.  You can still be inspired, you can still have the power of prayer in your life.  You can still be that shining example you were back in the day.  Granted you may have gained a few pounds, lost some hair and acquired a few worry wrinkles.  However, all the blessing you had on the mission are still available today.  All the great things that come from regular scripture study, prayer and the like are still available.  You might have to work at it a bit harder then before.  With the possibility of a long commute, and all of life's pressures you will have to organize your time better.

So I'll make a list of things you can do to help get that spirit back in your life.  I myself need to do better with many of these things.  I sure do feel better when I have more of them in my life.

1.  Attend your regular Sunday meetings.
2. Actively do your home and visiting teaching.
3. Regularly read the scripture or church literature
4. Pray regularly as a family and/or individually
5. Participate in family home evening
6. Go out with the missionaries
7. Do the best you can in your calling not matter how uneventful it may seem.
8. Use uplifting media.

Go and claim the world.  Nothing is holding you back.  And when the clouds get dark and life seems to be a pit of darkness, remember those moments of joy, when you know the spirit was testifying of truth and lifting you up.  It's those moments that may seem far and few between that will carry you through.

Are you in need of finding some old companions or track down some information about the mission you served in or will serve in?

Find out what you need by going to MISSION.NET
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Buaidh - NO - Bas

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