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Friday, March 15, 2013

The Boy Scouts of America and gay scouts

By now you have probably heard about the possible loosening of the regulation to not allow openly gay Scout leaders and members be members of the Boy Scouts of America.

Currently if Johnny has an openly lesbian mother that wants to be the den leaders she can't.  Same goes for Fred's openly gay dad being a leader in his local scout group.
Some will say it's about time that you get with the modern world and just let them join.  "What's the harm?"  "Why are you being discriminatory?"
Those kind of comments are coming from the gay supporters.  Though in reality they are what 10% of the overall population?

Is it right that such a small group of people push their agenda on the rest of the population?  Some may even equate it to the civil rights movement and getting equality in places like the Southern States.  Or the women's lib movement or Title 9.  But, are they really the same?    The Boy Scouts have successfully in the past make it a requirement to profess some form of religiousness.  The atheist could not get parts of the Scout Oath and Law thrown out because it made references to God.  Same thing on the orientation element.

Check out some comments by Bill Gates on the whole issue.  I hope just because he's someone that has been successful people don't just go his route without thinking of the consequences. 

"Should the Boys Scouts of America Change it's stance on Gay leaders?" - Gates - "Absolutely" - "Why?" - Gates - "It's 2013!"

Not such a good idea to just update things because it's a new year and we need to be modern.  I'm glad that the Boy Scouts are sending out questionnaires to it's leaders and members.  It allows them to see if people are hot to the idea of gay leaders and scouts or not.  I believe due to the fact that at least 60% of scouting organizations come from a handful or religions they are going to find out quickly things need to stay the same.  Yes, a few corporate sponsors may back out or quit sending money.  You'll have to get more from the rank and file but, since it is what they want they should be more then happy to hand over a little more.

So here would be the great compromise.

Why not ask Bill Gates who's flush with money and giving away so much to various charities and organizations to create the -
Gay Scouts of America
This would be an organization of and by the gays for the gays.  Just think of it.  They could have the sexual orientation merit badge and other related topics the real Boy Scouts can not even dream of touching.  They could even throw the whole youth protection element out the window.  Why?  You are actively promoting taking all kinds of people in and well "Buyer Beware" might just apply.
You are opening it  to everyone regardless of orientation - warts and all.

So Bill Gates has the money to bank roll a venture like this.  He has the funds to help them be set up for several years at the least.  It would be the grand experiment.  And then as their numbers grow they could prove they have a place in society.  Unfortunately, if they fail it would only validate why things need to stay the same in the good old Boy Scouts of America.

So why not weigh in on this topic.  How have you been responding to the questionnaire?  Do you think things need to be modernized in the scouting movement?  Or should the many years of experience that have worked be the guide?
Would it be OK to have individual units deciding if they want to have gay leaders and boys.

Buiadh - NO - Bas

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