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Thursday, October 1, 2015

Historic Moment - New Apostle(s)

Within the last 6 months 3 members of the Quorum of the 12 Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints passed away.  All basically passed away from complications of old Age.

So that leaves 3 vacancies in the Council of the Twelve.

The last time this type of situation occurred was in 1906.  Two members resigned and one had died.

Generally, with one vacancy you have it filled at the next conference.  Three, who knows.
Here are some comments on the process and protocol of choosing a new apostle.

"Elder D. Todd Christofferson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles says the selection and calling of new Apostles is the prerogative of the president of the Church.
“[President Monson’s] practice has been to ask each of his counselors and the members of the Quorum of the Twelve to give him names they would recommend for his consideration, not to discuss with each other but just individually, to give him whatever name or names they feel impressed he ought to look at," he says.

“What process he goes through exactly, I'm not sure. That’s, again, something private he pursues. He then brings back, when he’s reached his decision and had the inspiration he needs, the name or names to the council that we have of the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles to sustain it. That goes forward to general conference” (in Tadd Walsh, "Elder Christofferson Talks about How President Monson Calls a New Apostle, Reflects on Elder Scott,” Deseret News, Sept. 24, 2015)."
Calling an Apostle of God

"President Russell M. Nelson, President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, teaches: “All leaders in the Lord’s Church are called by proper authority. No prophet or any other leader in this Church, for that matter, has ever called himself or herself. No prophet has ever been elected. The Lord made that clear when He said, ‘Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you’ (John 15:16). You and I do not ‘vote’ on Church leaders at any level. We do, though, have the privilege of sustaining them” (“Sustaining the Prophets,” Oct. 2014 general conference)."
Calling an Apostle of God

In as much as the prophet selects the new Apostles(s) after careful consideration and pray he may delay the call or other circumstance may come into play.

“There have been conferences where a vacancy has not been filled,” he explained. “President Heber J. Grant had announced to the Twelve that ‘so and so’ would be called, but it didn’t happen. Members of the Twelve asked him when the conference was over why he didn’t fill the vacancy. He replied that the man he said would be called wasn’t ready yet.”
President Nelson Reflects on Being an Apostle of the Lord

"President Nelson’s call to the Twelve filled a vacancy that had lasted for more than a year. Elder LeGrand Richards died on January 11, 1983. No new Apostle was sustained during the April or the October general conferences of that year. Russell M. Nelson, a world-renowned heart surgeon, was sustained as a member of the Quorum of the Twelve on April 7, 1984. During the same session, Dallin H. Oaks, a lawyer and a justice of the Utah Supreme Court, was called to fill the vacancy created by the death of Elder Mark E. Petersen on January 11, 1984."
President Nelson Reflects on Being an Apostle of the Lord

So what can we guarantee will happen during conference starting Saturday October 3rd?
That the Prophet of God and head of the Living church on earth has been in communication with Heavenly Father and the Lord Jesus Christ as to whom they want to fill the vacancies in the Quorum of the 12 Apostles.  We also know that if one or more Apostles are called it will be the right person for the assignment at the right time.  We should not attempt to second guess or speculate as to who it will be.   Many times it is not as we expected but, exactly who we needed.

Take for instance Elder Neil L. Andersen.  He served as a mission president in France, and later as a general authority in Brazil, Europe, and Central America.  So he has the international flavor, language skills and experience  necessary to help the church as it grows in places like Latin America.
So many might have though a non-US person would be called like Elder Dieter F Uchtdoft was in the past.  It really was not necessary since a person had been prepared for many years that would work perfectly with the ever growing international part of the church.

There are many great candidates.  Many would do fine.  Each with special unique skills and attributes.  Does it have to be a Non-US person?  Not necessarily.... though as mentioned before there are curtain advantages to each person.
I do know the person or persons called will be just the right person at just the right time.....
As of this posting likely that have already had a chance to receive their call from a member of the First Presidency.

So join with me and watch the first session of Conference Saturday October 3rd 10 AM (MST).

Buaidh - NO - BAS

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